School Policies

School Policies Overview

The mission of Great Oaks Academy is to cultivate the minds and hearts of our students through a classical, liberal arts education, with instruction that is rigorous, literature-rich, wondrous, and virtuous in a disciplined and engaging environment using the following curriculum:

100 Series: School District
101 Legal Authority of the Board of Directors Policy
102 Equal Educational Opportunity Policy
104 Mission and Vision Statement Policy
105 Definitions Policy
110 Data Inventory, Retention, and Destruction Policy
200 Series: Board Governance
201 Board Roles and Responsibilities
203.1 Expectations and Obligations of Board Members Policy
207 Open and Closed Meeting Policy
212 Board Member Orientation,Training... Policy
213 Board Committee Establishment
300 Series: Financial
301 Acceptance of Gifts Policy
312 Electronic Funds Transfer Policy
400 Series: Human Resources
425 Whistleblower Policy
500 Series: Students
502 Search of Student Policy
524 Pledge of Allegiance Policy
526 Hazing Policy
537 Admissions and Lottery Policy
538 Concussions Policy
600 Series: Academics
700 Series: Operations
800 Series: Facilities
801 Equal Access to School Facilities Policy
801b Application for Use of Facilities Form
808 Use of Facilities Policy
900 Series: Community Relations
901 Parent Association Policy
Depreciation Policy
Drug Free Workplace Policy
Social Media Policy
Volunteer Policy
Curriculum Policy
Emergent Illness in School Policy
Food Service Policy
Capitalization Policy
Safe Return to In-Person Learning Plan
Special Education Procurement Policy
Reporting Unethical Behavior and/or Illegal Activity Policy
Drug Free Workplace Policy
Student Medication Policy


Mandatory [Note: The necessary provisions for complying with Minn. Stat. §§ 121A.22, Administration of Drugs and Medicine, 121A.221, Possession and Use of Asthma Inhalers by Asthmatic Students, and 121A.222, Possession and Use of Nonprescription Pain Relievers by Secondary Students are included in this policy. The statutes do not regulate administration of drugs and medicine for students age 18 and over or other nonprescription medications. Please note that §121A.22 does not require school districts to apply the administration of medication rule to drugs or medicine used off school grounds, drugs or medicines used in connection with athletics or extra-curricular activities, and drugs and medicines that are used in connection with activities that occur before or after the regular school day.]


The purpose of this policy is to set forth the provisions that must be followed when administering nonemergency prescription medication to students at school.


The school district acknowledges that some students may require prescribed drugs or medication during the school day. The school district’s licensed school nurse, trained health clerk, principal, or teacher will administer prescribed medications in accordance with law and school district procedures.


A. The administration of prescription medication or drugs at school requires a completed signed request from the student’s parent. An oral request must be reduced to writing within two school days, provided that the school district may rely on an oral request until a written request is received.

B. An “Administrating Prescription Medications” form must be completed annually (once per school year) and/or when a change in the prescription or requirements for administration occurs. Prescription medication as used in this policy does not include any form of medical cannabis as defined in Minn. Stat. § 152.22, Subd. 6.

C. Prescription medication must come to school in the original container labeled for the student by a pharmacist in accordance with law and must be administered in a manner consistent with the instructions on the label. 

D. The school nurse may request to receive further information about the prescription, if needed, prior to administration of the substance.

E. Prescription medications are not to be carried by the student but will be left with the appropriate school district personnel. Exceptions to this requirement are prescription asthma medications self-administered with an inhaler (See Part J.5. below), and medications administered as noted in a written agreement between the school district and the parent or as specified in an IEP (individualized education program), Section 504 plan, or IHP (individual health plan).

F. The school must be notified immediately by the parent or student 18 years old or older in writing of any change in the student’s prescription medication administration. A new medical authorization or container label with new pharmacy instructions shall be required immediately as well.

G. For drugs or medicine used by children with a disability, administration may be as provided in the IEP, Section 504 plan or IHP.

H. The school nurse, or other designated person, shall be responsible for the filing of the Administering Prescription Medications form in the health records section of the student file. The school nurse, or other designated person, shall be responsible for providing a copy of such form to the principal and to other personnel designated to administer the medication.

I. Procedures for administration of drugs and medicine at school and school activities shall be developed in consultation with a school nurse, a licensed school nurse, or a public or private health organization or other appropriate party (if appropriately contracted by the school district under Minn. Stat. § 121A.21). The school district administration shall submit these procedures and any additional guidelines and procedures necessary to implement this policy to the school board for approval. Upon approval by the school board, such guidelines and procedures shall be an addendum to this policy.

J. Specific Exceptions:

1. Special health treatments and health functions such as catheterization, tracheostomy suctioning, and gastrostomy feedings do not constitute administration of drugs and medicine;
2. Emergency health procedures, including emergency administration of drugs and medicine are not subject to this policy;
3. Drugs or medicine provided or administered by a public health agency to prevent or control an illness or a disease outbreak are not governed by this policy;
4. Drugs or medicines used at school in connection with services for which a minor may give effective consent are not governed by this policy; 516 pg. 3
5. Drugs or medicines that are prescription asthma or reactive airway disease medications can be self-administered by a student with an asthma inhaler if:

a. the school district has received a written authorization from the pupil’s parent permitting the student to self-administer the medication;
b. the inhaler is properly labeled for that student; and
c. the parent has not requested school personnel to administer the medication to the student. The parent must submit written authorization for the student to self-administer the medication each school year. In a school that does not have a school nurse or school nursing services, the student’s parent or guardian must submit written verification from the prescribing professional which documents that an assessment of the student’s knowledge and skills to safely possess and use an asthma inhaler in a school setting has been completed. If the School District employs a school nurse or provides school nursing services under another arrangement, the school nurse or other appropriate party must assess the student’s knowledge and skills to safely possess and use an asthma inhaler in a school setting and enter the student’s school health record a plan to implement safe possession and use of asthma inhalers;

6. Medications:

a. that are used off school grounds;
b. that are used in connection with athletics or extracurricular activities; or
c. that are used in connection with activities that occur before or after the regular school day are not governed by this policy.

7. Nonprescription Medication.

A secondary student may possess and use nonprescription pain relief in a manner consistent with the labeling if the school district has received written authorization from the student’s parent or guardian permitting the student to self-administer the medication. The parent or guardian must submit written authorization for the student to self-administer the medication each school year. The school district may revoke a student’s privilege to possess and use nonprescription pain relievers if the school district determines that the student is abusing the privilege. This provision does not apply to the possession or use of any drug or product containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine as its sole active ingredient or as one of its active ingredients. Except as state in this paragraph, only prescription medications are governed by this policy.

[Note: School districts should consult with licensed medical and nursing personnel to address whether nonprescription medications will be allowed at elementary schools and whether and under what conditions school personnel will participate in storing or administering nonprescription medications.]

8. At the start of each school year or at the time a student enrolls in school, whichever is first, a student’s parent, school staff, including those responsible for student health care, and the prescribing medical professional must develop and implement an individualized written health plan for a student who is prescribed epinephrine auto-injectors that enables the student to:
a. possess epinephrine auto-injectors; or
b. if the parent and prescribing medical professional determine the student is unable to possess the epinephrine, always have immediate access to epinephrine auto-injectors near the student during the instructional day. The plan must designate the school staff responsible for implementing the student’s health plan, including recognizing anaphylaxis and administering non-syringe injectors of epinephrine when required, consistent with state law. This health plan may be included in a student’s 504 plan.

K. Districts and schools may obtain and possess epinephrine auto-injectors to be maintained and administered by school personnel to a student or other individual if, in good faith, it is determined that person is experiencing anaphylaxis regardless of whether the student or other individual has a prescription for an epinephrine auto-injector. The administration of an epinephrine auto-injector in accordance with this section is not the practice of medicine. A district or school may enter arrangements with manufacturers of epinephrine auto-injectors to obtain epinephrine auto-injectors at fair-market, free, or reduced prices. A third party, other than a manufacturer or supplier, may pay for a school’s supply of epinephrine auto-injectors.

Legal References: Minn. Stat. § 13.32 (Student Health Data) Minn. Stat. § 121A.21 (Hiring of Health Personnel) Minn. Stat. § 121A.22 (Administration of Drugs and Medicine) Minn. Stat. § 121A.221 (Possession and Use of Asthma Inhalers by Asthmatic Students) Minn. Stat. § 121A.222 (Possession and Use of Nonprescription Pain Relievers by Secondary Students) Minn. Stat. § 121A.2205 (Possession and Use of epinephrine auto-injectors; Model Policy) Minn. Stat. § 121A.2207 (Life-Threatening Allergies in Schools; Stock Supply of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors) Minn. Stat. § 151.212 (Label of Prescription Drug Containers) Minn. Stat. § 152.22 (Medical Cannabis; Definitions) Minn. Stat. § 152.23 (Medical Cannabis; Limitations) 20 U.S.C. § 1400 et seq. (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004) 29 U.S.C. § 794 et seq. (Rehabilitation Act of 1973, § 504) Cross References: MSBA/MASA Model Policy 418 (Drug-Free Workplace/Drug-Free School) MSBA/MASA Model Policy 516 Orig. 1995 Revised: 2015


Background Check Policy
Employee Discipline, Suspension, Removal Policy
Promotion and Retention Policy
Internet and Educational Network Safety and Acceptable Use Policy
Lockdown Policy
Staff Dress Code Policy
Harassment and Violence Policy
Nepotism Policy
Wellness Policy
Bidding and Procurement Policy
Credit Card Usage Policy

General Statement of Policy

The Board of Directors of Great Oaks Academy recognizes that the Executive Director is approved to receive credit cards in the school’s name. Also, at their discretion only, a vendor credit card account may be established when necessary for purchasing with vendors. The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures governing the appropriate use of credit cards issued in the name of Great Oaks Academy.


Download the Credit Card Usage Policy (with forms included)

Conflict of Interest Policy

General Statement of Policy

It is the policy of Great Oaks Academy’s Board of Directors to conform to statutory conflict of interest laws and act in a manner that will avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance thereof pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 124E.14. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all board members engage in charter school business activities in a fashion designed to avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety. Great Oaks Academy will also comply with federal statutes regarding conflict of interest and federal grant administration as described in its Bidding and Procurement for Federal Charter School Program Grant Fund Policy.

A conflict of interest can generally be described as a situation in which a Board Member’s loyalty is, or may appear to be, divided between self-interest and the interests of a third-party and the interests of Great Oaks Academy.


Download the full Conflict of Interest Policy (with form included)

Non-Discrimination Policy

Great Oaks Academy Non-Discrimination Policy

Great Oaks Academy does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, enrollment of families and students, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our school, including all students, parents, staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and anyone else connected to or within our community.

Great Oaks Academy is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.


Download the Non-Discrimination Policy

Religious Accommodation Policy


  1. Great Oaks Academy shall neither promote nor disparage any religious belief or non-belief.
  2. Great Oaks Academy recognizes that religion has had and continues to have a significant role in the social, cultural, political, and historical development of civilization and believes that including the role of religion in the development of humanity is essential to the curriculum. However, Great Oaks Academy will not endorse or celebrate any particular religion above or to the exclusion of any other.
  3. Great Oaks Academy supports the inclusion of religious music, art, drama, and literature in the curriculum and in school activities provided it is intrinsic to the learning experience and is presented in an objective manner.
  4. The Director shall have the responsibility of ensuring that the study of religious materials, customs, beliefs, and holidays in Great Oaks Academy complies with this policy.


Download the full Religious Accommodation Policy

Uniform Policy


The board of directors has established this school uniform policy in order to: (1) focus on academics over fashion, (2) instill a positive learning environment, (3) promote equity among students, and (4) reduce the cost of student clothing. Adherence to the policy is a joint responsibility between the student and the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s).


Download the full Uniform Policy

Student Discipline Policy


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that students are aware of and comply with the Great Oaks Academy School/District’s expectations for student conduct. Such compliance will enhance the Great Oaks Academy School/District’s ability to maintain discipline and ensure that there is no interference with the educational process. The Great Oaks Academy School/District will take appropriate disciplinary action when students fail to adhere to the Code of Student Conduct established by this policy.


Download the full Student Discipline Policy

Lockdown Policy
Student Discipline Policy
Covid Mitigation Policy
Complaints: Students, Employees, Parents, and Other Persons
Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies
Winter Weather Policy